






开通会员 查看会员特权


性质: 全职
人数: 10
发布: 2018/11/15 9:42:27
经验: 5-10年
地区: 广东








中心预计到2020年底初步建成,将形成以企业为主体、资本为纽带、重大任务为牵引、技木与资本深度融合、平台与成果开放共享的高效运行机制,承担若干国家科技计划项目,攻克一批制约我国高分子材料产业发展的关键共性技术,取得一批国内领先的技术成果;建成公共技术服务平台和先进高分子材料孵化器,向行业转移一批技术成果,孵化出若干高成长型科技企业。到2030年底,建成具有国际影响力的先进高分子材料产业创新中心,构建起全球先进高分子材料创新网络,承担一批国家科技计划项目,突破一批关键核心技术,取得一批国际先进的技术成果,孵化出一大批高成长型科技企业,支撑构建起创新资源集聚、创新效率高、创新效益 好的产业创新集群。



ü  聚芳醚

ü  热致液晶聚合物(TLCP

ü  半芳香聚酰胺


ü  大丝束、低成本、工业级碳纤维材料

ü  高强度长纤增强热塑性复合材料




ü  基础理论研究

ü  关键材料研究

ü  性能和应用研究

ü  工程装备成套化与系统集成技术研究


ü  低密度高性能高分子材料

ü  长寿命高性能结构性材料

ü  良触感体感材料和高绚丽视觉高分子材料

ü  火安全绿色高分子材料























High-end Recruitment NPM Polymer Industry Innovation Center Co., Ltd. Invites Global Materials Talents to Join

Company Profile:

“NPM Polymer Industry Innovation Center Co., Ltd.” (hereinafter referred to as “Center”) is an industrial complex of “National Advanced Polymer Materials Industry Innovation Center”. The Center completed industrial and commercial registration in December 2017. It is the second national industry innovation center approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, one of the important institutes for China’s innovation-driven strategy. The Center was founded through the joint efforts of the leading company in China's polymer materials industry—Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd., which served as the main coordinator, and a variety of participants including upstream and downstream enterprises, universities and research institutes, financial or investment agencies and technology intermediaries.

By deepening the reform of the system and mechanism, fulfilling the reform tasks of result transformation, talent incentives, science and technology finance, as well as making good and flexible use of all reform policies,

The Center aims to achieve the following goals:

1. To collect innovation resources and promote the construction of industry innovation network;

2. To conduct R&D on the leading-edge technologies and generic technologies in polymer material industry, innovation on industry technological standards, master key and core technologies;

3. To promote the transfer of scientific and technological achievements, licensing, provide a series of technological services including high-level technology transfer, technology development, and technology consulting;

4. To carry out centralized operation of intellectual property, provide industrial technology solutions by integrated use of the patented technologies from universities, research institutes and enterprises;

5. To carry out in-depth innovation in mass entrepreneurship, invest and incubate emerging technological companies, provide innovative and entrepreneurial services for small and medium-sized enterprises;

6. To initiate and organize international and domestic technological cooperation and exchange, cultivate high-level innovation talents.

The Center is expected to be initially completed by the end of 2020, and will form an efficient operation mechanism with enterprises as the main body, capital as the link, and major tasks as traction, which will enjoy deep integration of technology and capital and open sharing of platforms and achievements. We will strive to undertake several national science and technology projects, overcome a series of key generic technologies which restrict the development of China's polymer materials industry, and obtain a number of domestic leading technological achievements. In addition, we plan to build a public technology service platform and an advanced incubator for polymer material, transfer a series of technological achievements to the industry, and incubate a number of high-growth technology companies.  By the end of 2030, an advanced polymer material industry innovation center with international influence will be built, a global advanced polymer material innovation network will be built, a number of national science and technology plan projects will be undertaken, great breakthroughs of core technologies and multiple internationally advanced technologies will be obtained. Plenty of high-growth technology enterprises will be nurtured, all of above will give strong support to the construction of industrial innovation clusters with agglomerate resource, high efficiency and remarkable benefits.

Research areas and directions:

(1) Special engineering plastics


Thermotropic liquid crystal polymer (TLCP)

Semi-aromatic polyamide

(2) Advanced thermoplastic composite materials

Large tow, low cost, industrial grade carbon fiber material

Long fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite with high strength

(3) High performance fiber

(4) Rubber and elastomer

(5) Advanced fluoropolymer

 Basic theoretical research

Key material research

Performance and application research

Research on complete sets of engineering equipment and system integration technology

(6) Functional modified engineering plastics

 Polymer materials with low density and high performance

 Structural materials with long life and high performance

Advanced somatosensory material and polymer material with colorful visual effect

 Fire safety green polymer material

(7) Advanced polymer molding equipment and green processing technology

Job descriptions and qualifications

1. Leading talents

Have outstanding innovative thinking in science and technology, ability to organize and manage major scientific and technological activities or engineering tasks, good at proposing strategic, forward-looking and creative research ideas, leading research on major theoretical or practical issues and key technologies. Academic ability at the forefront of the international research field. Work experience as the leader of major science and technology projects, chief expert, director of key laboratories is preferred. Demonstrate important academic influence in related fields.

2. Innovation talents

Under the age of 50. A Doctor’s degree and overseas work experience of over 3 years are required. High academic attainments or experience in process technology development, ability to lead innovation teams to engage in international frontier research, ability to organize, plan and operate major projects or technology platforms. Experience as the director or main participant of major scientific and technological projects is required, have scientific research results recognized by peer experts, and the potential to become an academic or technical leader in this field.

3. Young reserve talents

Under the age of 35. A Doctor’s degree is required generally. Study experience in overseas famous universities and work experience of overseas famous enterprises are preferred. Have strong scientific research or technical development ability, able to do scientific research independently.

Support policy and related benefits

1. Leading talents, innovation talents

Support the application of national high-level talent plan; prior recommendation as the technical chief of major and key projects at the national level;

For leading talents, the Center will provide 5 to 12 million yuan for research start-up projects; in the first phase, at least 500 square meters of office and experimental buildings will be offered; annual salary is not less than 800,000 yuan; revolving housing and one-time housing allowance (not less than 2 million yuan);

For innovation talents, the Center will provide funding support 3 to 8 million yuan for research start-up projects; in the first phase, at least 300 square meters of office and experimental buildings will be offered; the annual salary will be no less than 500,000 yuan, revolving housing and one-time housing allowance (not less than 1 million yuan);

Build and lead an innovative team, prior to be assigned with post-doctoral, postgraduate, and scientific research assistants, continuous research funding and accompanied resources;

Subsidy for household register : 50,000 yuan every two years (Doctor or Senior Engineer); 30,000 yuan every two years (Master);

All conditions and support policies are competitive in the industry, which can be customized for high-level talents.

2. Young reserve talents

Stable and attractive salary;

Provide housing (two bedrooms and one living room; or three bedrooms with one living room), staff canteen;

Purchase five insurances, housing provident fund, and supplementary commercial insurance;

Subsidy for household register : 50,000 yuan every two years (Doctor or Senior Engineer); 30,000 yuan every two years (Master);

Paid annual leave, holiday benefits, and assistance of children’s school enrollment.







